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The HTTP Property Sheet

Server DNS Entry: This field of the HTTP property page may be left blank if you don't know what your DNS entry is, or just don't care. To determine what your DNS entry is, follow the procedure discussed in the section on DNS. It's important to note that if your machine has two IP addresses you need to specify the one that is used by the Internet. This sort of thing usually happens when you have a machine acting as a proxy server between your local network and the Internet with two different IP addresses.

Port # to Serve From: This is the TCP/IP port that Savant will watch for HTTP requests on, and send responses to those requests on. The standard port number for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used for web serving is 80. If you change this to a number other than 80, most web browsers will pretend that your server does not exist. If for some reason you wish to change the port number, most web browsers can be coerced into finding the server by appending a colon and the port number to the URL. Example: you change the port number to 8080. To make your web browser find it, you'll have to enter the URL If you need to do this, remember that other protocols depend upon certain ports. Check to make sure the port number is free before you use it; otherwise you can prevent your computer from using other Internet functions such as e-mail and FTP.

Index File Name: This allows you to change the name of the default page served when someone types in your DNS entry, possibly followed by a subdirectory. By default, this is usually "index.html" or "index.htm". You can change this to whatever you want, as long as it really is the name of your index page.

Error Message Path: Savant allows you to create custom error message files. This field specifies the path that these error message files are located in. Custom error message files are simply an HTML file with their name being the same as the number of the error they correspond to. For example, if you create the file "404.html" in the error message path, that file will be displayed every time a "404 - File Not Found" error occurs rather than the default error message built into Savant. This allows you to customize the look and feel of your server's error messages, as well as giving you the ability to provide links to a support page or e-mail address whenever an error occurs.

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