The Logging Property Sheet
Path To Store Logs At: This is the directory on your computer where Savant will store the log files. By default, this will be a subdirectory of the directory you installed Savant in named "Logs". (Usually C:\Savant\Logs)
General Log: The General log has the highly imaginative default name of "general.txt". The General log is just that - it keeps a sequential record of every HTTP request that Savant receives. It's composed of entries that follow the format of: - - [03/Aug/1998:21:19:32 +0600] "GET /index.html" 200 1337
DNS Entry - - [Day/Month/Year:Time (GMT) +0600] "Method /filename" error code bytes
The DNS Entry field lists the DNS entry (or IP address if they don't have a DNS
entry or you disable Reverse DNS Lookup) of the person looking at your web site.
The date and time fields are pretty self-explanatory; the time is in your local
time zone. The +0600 (or something like that, depending on your time zone) is a
reminder that Greenwich is 6 hours ahead of the Central Time zone in the US. (I
live in the Central Time zone.) The Method field lists the type of method the web
server used to request the data, while the filename field gives the location and
name of the file that was requested. Error code is the error code returned by
Savant upon completion of the request - an error code of 200 means that the
request was served properly with no problems. The bytes field gives the number
of bytes that were sent by Savant to complete the transaction.
The Hit Log: The Hit log keeps a record of how many times each file on
your web site has been accessed, and the time of the last access. Each file on
your web site that has been accessed by a client has an entry in the Hit log of
the following format:
/index.html=2 03/Aug/1998:21:19:38 +0600
filename = number of accesses date:time +0600
Filename is the location and name of the file that the log entry is for,
Number of Accesses is the number of times the file has been successfully served
to a client, and the date and time are self-explanatory.
Optionally the Hit log can keep a count of the number of connections made to your
web site, the number of files successfully sent, and the number of kilobytes served.
The Reference Log: The Reference log keeps a record of every file accessed
on your web site, arranged by file name. Each file on your web site has an entry,
and below it is a listing of every DNS entry or IP address that has accessed the
file, along with the total number of accesses made from that location and the
time of the last access. An example for the file "index.html" is:
[/index.html] 03/Aug/1998:21:19:38 +0600
DNS Entry = Number of Accesses Date:Time of Last Access +0600
This is a nifty log, because you can see what one particular person is looking at
on your web site, and how often they're looking at it.