Creating A New Path: To create a new path, click on the New Path button in
the Paths property page of the configuration utility. A dialog box will appear,
with the following fields:
Local Path: This is the directory (FAT Path) on your computer that you
wish to serve. Make sure you type in a complete path - "C:\WebServer" is
acceptable, "WebServer" and "\WebServer" are not acceptable. If you want to
browse for the path you wish to serve, click on the small button with three
periods in it.
HTTP Path: This is the directory that you wish Local Path to be served as.
It doesn't have to have the same name as Local Path - any name you wish is
acceptable. The only restrictions are that the path must start with a slash
(NOT a backslash!!) For example, "/coolstuff" is legal, while "\coolstuff"
and "coolstuff" are not legal. As a general rule, most HTTP paths are composed
entirely of lowercase letters. This is a rule you should follow - it makes life
easier for everyone.
Scripting: These radio buttons let you allow or disallow certain kinds of
script and program execution from a particular directory. If you want to run CGI
scripts or programs from this directory, be sure to check the CGI radio button.
The same is true for WinCGI scripts and ISAPI applications. Check the Normal
radio button to disallow CGI execution from the directory. As Savant is currently
written, you can't have different kinds of scripts in the same directory (in
other words, you can't put ISAPI applications in the same directory as your CGI
scripts.) You should always place your CGI programs and scripts in a separate
directory from your HTML. Placing HTML in a CGI directory is a very bad idea -
the HTML will not be served as a security precaution.
Allow Directory Listing: When you enable this option, Savant will return
an FTP-style file listing to a web browser if an index file does not exist in
the directory. This option is simply a security feature - if you don't want
people to see a list of files in a directory, disable it. This option is ignored
if the directory serves scripts or applications.
Group or User: This drop-down box lists every user and group on your web server.
To restrict access to a directory to a particular person or group of people, click
on their user name or group name in this drop-down. Before anyone can view the
contents of this directory, they must input the valid user name and password you
have chosen. If you choose "Anyone" from the list, anybody can see the contents
of the directory. This is the recommended default, since usually you don't want
to restrict access to areas of your web site.
Accessible Location: This option restricts directory access to a certain
group of users based on their IP address. As you recall from previous sections
of this User's Guide, every computer on the Internet has an IP address that consists
of four numbers, separated by periods ( is an example). Everybody on a
Class A Subnet shares the same first number of the IP address. Everyone on a
Class B Subnet shares both the first and second numbers of the IP address, and
so on for Class C and D subnets. To make the directory available to the world at
large, set this field to the "Anywhere" option. If you're a member of a large
corporation or ISP, the Class A Subnet option will probably limit access to
people who are in the same corporation or use the same ISP as you. For all but
the largest networks and ISPs, the Class B Subnet option will probably do the
same thing. For example, every IP address on the campus of Western Kentucky
University begins with the same first two numbers. To limit access of a directory
to just WKU's campus, I could set this field to the "Class B Subnet" option.
Because everyone in my dorm shares the same third number in the IP address,
I could restrict access to just my dorm by selecting the "Class C Subnet" option.
A Class D Subnet shares all four of the numbers, effectively limiting it to the
server itself. This is a nifty tool if you want to test something on your web
server, but don't want to make it available to anyone else until you're sure it