The Groups Property Sheet
Creating A New Group: To create a new group, click on the New Group
button in the Groups property page. A dialog box will appear, with every user on
your server in a list box on the left-hand side and an empty list box on the right
hand side. Between the two boxes appear two buttons, with arrows pointing left and
right. To make a user a member of the group you are creating, highlight their user
name by clicking on it with the mouse, then click the button pointing to the right
hand list box. Their user name will disappear from the list of users, and reappear
in the list of group members. If you want to remove a user from the list of group
members, highlight their name, then click the arrow pointing to the left-hand list
box. Don't forget to pick a name for the group, and type it in the field labeled
Group Name.
Editing A Group: To edit a group, highlight its name in the list box by
clicking on it. Then click on the Edit Group button to display a dialog box like
the one above. This dialog box contains all of the data about the group. You may
add and remove users from the group or change the group's name in this dialog box.
Deleting A Group: To delete a group in Savant, click on the group's name
in the list box to highlight it. Then click on the Delete Group button. If you
delete a group by mistake, you can click on the Cancel button to discard all of
the changes you've made since you started the configuration utility or last
clicked the Apply button.