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How Do I Get Savant Source Code?

In the past, I released Savant as a freeware tool but held back the source code. My logic for this was that it was possible to perform a nasty Denial-of-Service attack by slightly altering the source code (I discovered this by accident one Saturday morning.) I've always been a big supporter of the Open Source movement, but I'm an even bigger supporter of network and system security.

But with the recent advent of automated DoS tools such as Trin00 and Stacheldracht (which were used to take down several popular web sites in mid-2000) it no longer made any sense to hold back the Savant source code for that reason. I usually receive an email every week or two from an aspiring programmer asking to see the Savant source to use as a model, and it makes no sense to keep the information from them. I've often gone through hundreds of pages of open source code to find the solution to one of my own programming dilemmas, and if I didn't open up the Savant source code that would essentially amount to taking from the community without returning anything.

So I proudly announce that Savant 3.0 is completely open sourced, and available for perusal and modification under the terms of the GNU General Public License. A current copy of the source code will always be available from, as well as being stored in the SourceForge CVS repository at

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