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Couldn't Bind Socket

Savant returns this error when it cannot associate its server socket with the port specified in the HTTP Property Sheet. By default, this port is 80. Since Savant cannot serve HTTP requests without a server socket to receive the requests, Savant shuts down when this error occurs.

Most often, this error is caused by trying to simultaneously run two web servers. If such is the case, the web server that was initially running will be unaffected. It's also possible that an application that was using port 80 didn't properly release the port, or your TCP/IP service did not reset the port properly.

To solve this problem, try the following steps:

  1. Verify that only one copy of Savant is being run. To make sure Windows didn't remove the icon from the system tray without terminating the program, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and make sure that Savant does not appear on the Task List. If it does, highlight it with a left click of the mouse, then click on the End Task button. Wait until verification appears that Savant has been terminated, then try running it again.
  2. Verify that Savant is the only web server you are currently running. This error will occur if you're running any other web server (including Microsoft's Personal Web Server and Internet Information Server, Apache, NCSA's HTTPd, and Inprise's application server.) If you find another server, shut it down and try restarting Savant. Please note that some applications (such as ICQ, Gnotella, and others) are sneaky and run their own little generic server on port 80 if you don't explicitly turn it off.
  3. Try restarting your computer to be sure another application has not failed to release port 80 for use by Savant.
  4. Re-install your TCP/IP implementation in the Network dialog of the Control Panel to correct a possibly corrupted TCP/IP implementation.

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